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The historic Anwar-Mahathir handshake

Death spell for Umno-BN?

The unimaginable has occurred which goes to show that in life, especially in politics, there are no real friends or enemies.
I refer to the historic meeting between Tun Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim. The irony is that despite Anwar sending out conciliatory messages before, it was Mahathir who had to swallow his pride   to go to meet his once trusted deputy who later became his arch-enemy.

What does this meeting mean in today’s chaotic Malaysia under PM Najib Razak? Both men deny that they had made peace and became friends again but are in agreement to fight Najib’s NSC Act which Anwar has filed in court. Both are veteran politicians who know what they are talking about and their words were calculated so as not to reveal too much of what is in their minds.

The question in everyone’s mind is whether this reunion of the two men after 18 years will stop Umno and Najib from what they are doing. Will this be enough to bring down Najib and save the country from further destruction? Will it be able to take to topple Umno-BN in the coming general elections? Every right thinking Malaysian is hoping this reunion will bring about the political change necessary to start the rebuilding our tattered and torn nation.

Whether the reunion of Mahathir and Anwar will bear any results waits to be seen but it is a move in the right direction to unite the Malays against Najib and Umno. The much awaited handshake may have come a little too late but nevertheless it is better than never as it comes at time of great despair. 

Mahathir on his part must realise that he has to admit his mistakes and the injustice behind Anwar’s “Black eye”. He must admit his dictatorial style of 22 years had contributed to the abuses by his successor and the present Umno leadership. His apology to the people is long overdue and that will only unite the people especially the Malays to rally behind him and Anwar to change the fate of the nation.

Mahathir has shown his magnanimity to meet and support Anwar for the sake of the country and I am sure he will see the wisdom to humble himself to protect the people against further abuses and destruction by his very own successors in Umno.

We hope and pray this historic handshake will unite all parties opposed to Umno-BN   so that together they can offer a formidable challenge and form the next government after the 14GE.

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