> Indonesia Interested in Ukrainian Air-to-Air Missiles - Detik News

Indonesia Interested in Ukrainian Air-to-Air Missiles

12 November 2016

Artem air-to-air missiles (photo : green stone 13)

Indonesia Takes an Interest in Ukrainian Radar Systems, Air-to-Air Missiles and Antonov Aircraft

In the framework of international exhibition Indo Defence-2016 – held in Indonesian capital city Jakarta – the talks between UKROBORONPROM leadership and representatives of the Armed Forces of Indonesia were held.

During the meeting, Assistant Commander-in-Chief Bonar Hutagaol and Deputy Commander of the Air Force of Indonesia showed strong interest in new radar systems, manufactured by UOP enterprises-participants. Air-to -air missiles, produced by JSHC “Artem,” and military transport aircraft of “Antonov” production were also discussed among other UOP products during the talks.

At Indo Defence-2016 expo the State Concern represented 37 exhibits from 16 UOP enterprisers-participants. In addition to new partners search, UOP aims for active dialogue with representatives of other countries, experience and technology exchange, import substitution program speed up.

Indo Defence-2016 covers a whole range of armament and military equipment used by the Army, Air and Navy of Southeast Asia. The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia and is recognized in the industry as a place for presentations, training, communication and business, where there are more than 20,000 professional visitors and more than 670 companies from 49 countries, demonstrating the latest military equipment and systems.

During military exercises “Rubizh-2016” radio-technical battalion of the radio-technical troops successfully tested 3-D surveillance radar “Pelican”. Specialists of UOP SE “Scientific and Production Complex Iskra” were engaged in development and production of the new military equipment.


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