> New Stealth Corvette of the Myanmar Navy - Detik News

New Stealth Corvette of the Myanmar Navy

14 November 2016

UMS Tabinshwehti 773 (photo : AAG)

UMS Tabinshwehti 773 Stealth Corvette of the Myanmar Navy 

Kim Min Seok, senior researcher of South Korea from the Korea Defense and Security Forum (KODEF) said that the new ship of North Korea's West Fleet has linked some resemblance to the stealth ship of Myanmar Navy's UMS Tabinshwehti 773.

The ship was developed from the Anawratha class (so far reported 2 ships were built named UMS Anawratha 771 and UMS Bayinnaung 772). Further reports that the Myanmar Navy is currently building new stealth corvette Tabinshwehti class, this add another one.

While the stealth frigate of Myanmar has entered into service in the Navy,  there were 2 frigate Kyansittha class named is F12 UMS Kyansittha and F14 UMS Sinbyushin.

The installation of weapons and equipment of UMS Tabinshwehti 773 from a variety of sources, such as cannon Oto Melara 76/62, Myanmar get it from Italy. Cannon AK-630 and short range surface-to-air missile from Russia. Anti-surface ship missile C-802A and anti submarine warfare from China. This ship also equipped with a helipad, no helicopter hangar on the ship.


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