> New PH Patrol Vessels Built by Japan Spotted - Detik News

New PH Patrol Vessels Built by Japan Spotted

18 September 2017

The sixth vessel BRP Sindangan (MRRV-4407)

The Philippine Coast Guard’s (PCG) sixth and seventh 44-meter Parola-class Multi-role Response Vessels (MRRV) surfaced online through photo and a video. These vessels are being named after primary lighthouses in the country to denote their significance as one of the navigational aids in the maritime industry.

The sixth vessel, BRP Sindangan (MRRV-4407) was shown in a video suggesting the vessel is conducting sea trials. While probably the seventh (MRRV-4408), named BRP Cape San Agustin was shown docked in a photo.

These vessels are part of the 10-order deal with Japan Marine United Corporation (JMUC) under PCG’s Maritime Safety Capability Improvement Project (MSCIP) Phase I.

The fifth vessel, BRP Suluan (MRRV-4406) was received August 7. Deliveries are expected every quarter from the first delivery conducted August 2016.

According to MSCIP, these vessels will act as (1) “primary rescue vessels within the PCG District’s areas of responsibility (AOR) when the extent of the disaster is beyond the capability of floating assets deployed within the area.”

The MRRVs will also (2) assist in controlling oil pollution and protection of the marine environment. (3) These vessels will also enforce applicable maritime laws within the designated AOR, particularly relating to illegal fishing and sea patrol. The vessels will provide (4) service as platform for rapid response during relief operations in the area, and (5) transport of personnel and logistical support.


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